NASA宇航员太空盗窃银行账户 只因离婚纠纷

时间:2019-10-03 13:09:58 来源: 环球时报

美国前空军情报官员Summer Worden 和NASA宇航员Anne McClain是一对同性伴侣。

有一天Summer Worden注意到她的银行账户被未经许可访问了。访问她的电脑用的是NASA相关的网络。在一番调查之后,她怀疑是她的前任,宇航员Anne McClain,从国际空间站上黑入她的银行账户。

In a highly unexpected example of what it’s now possible to do in space, a NASA astronaut has been accused of breaking into her ex-spouse’s bank accounts while she was on board the International Space Station.


The bizarre accusation was made against decorated NASA astronaut Anne McClain, who is embroiled in a bitter divorce battle with her former partner Summer Worden.

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